Patrick's Tech Blog

GIT Push and Puppet Master

February 20, 2015 | 2 Minute Read

Goal: Be able to remote push to our puppetmaster using git

Note: I'm assuming you have passwordless ssh set up to make this all really easy

Setting up the bare repo:
  1. Clone your puppet repo down to your local machine (normal git clone)
  2. Create a local bare clone of that repo git clone --bare my_local_clone bare_clone.git
  3. copy that bare clone to the remote server scp -r bare_clone.git

    Set up the git remote server
  4. Set up the new remote on your local machine (inside your local repo full clone):

git remote add NAMEOFREMOTE username@remoteserver:/opt/git
  1. On the remote, add this following file as ./hooks/post-receive and chmod 755 it:
    #!/usr/bin/env ruby
    # post-receive


    # 1. Read STDIN (Format: "from_commit to_commit branch_name")
    from, to, branch = " "

    # 2. Only deploy if master branch was pushed
    # Uncomment to ensure this only happens on master branch
    # if (branch =~ /master$/) == nil
    #     puts "Received branch #{branch}, not deploying."
    #     exit
    # end

    # 3. Copy files to deploy directory
    #you can change the deploy_to_dir to whatever is needed

    #deploy_to_dir = File.expand_path('../deploy')
    deploy_to_dir = '/etc/puppet/'

    `GIT_WORK_TREE="#{deploy_to_dir}" git checkout -f #{branch}`
    puts "DEPLOY: #{branch} (#{to}) copied to '#{deploy_to_dir}'"

    # 4.TODO: Deployment Tasks
    # i.e.: Run Puppet Apply, Restart Daemons, etc
Push to remote server
  1. Push the master branch to the remote server git push NAMEOFREMOTE master
How to test without needing to commit to local clone
  1. get the last two commit ids on the remote bare clone git log -2 --format=oneline --reverse
  2. now run the script (grad the two git hashes from the output of the previous command) (on the remote server inside the bare clone again) echo "$FROM_ID $TO_ID master" | ./hooks/post-receive
Future to do:
  • Have it so that when puppet master repo gits a merge CI kicks in (not sure what those tests look like or how to run)
  • When tests pass, have it auto deploy to puppetmaster


  1. Git Documentation

  2. Setting up push to deploy with git