Patrick's Tech Blog


Homestead and web timeouts: Damn you vboxnet0

December 11, 2015 | 1 Minute Read

Not able to load your web project, is the browser just timing out?

Chances are your Homestead.yaml file has a different IP range as what VirtualBox has set up.


Some config:

  • My homestead.yaml file (~/.homestead/Homestead.yaml) file has as its IP
  • My /etc/hosts file has in it

After homestead up :

  • I try telnet 80 from my laptop to my vm... nothing.....
  • Yet telnet localhost 8000 works (homestead sets that forward up for me).... hmmm

Check out VirtualBox:

  • In VirutalBox: Open virtualbox's preferences (not for your vm, for vbox itself) -> Network -> Host Only
  • Double click on vboxnet0 (if you have more then one, you will need to go to the network prefs of your vm and see which one it is using)
  • Set its ip range to the same range as the one your Homestead.yaml file has. In my example would work (note: don't use the same IP, you will have a conflict)
  • You can select DCHP Server and just turn it off (or make its IP stuff correct)
  • Alternatively You could have made your Homestead.yaml file match the virtual network

End result:

In my browser, I can now and see my app!